Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back to Shipley

This morning we had our bags packed and ready to leave Calverley Old Hall by 10am. I wandered around saying goodbye to some of my favourite things and took a little film on my camera of the lounge and dining room areas and some of the curtain fabrics, trying to save every memory of this place.
The print on our bedroom curtain

or bedside mat

The loungeroom and dining room curtains have this print

heading down the icy lane for the last time, I love the red berries on the wall
Almost out onto the street, carefully does it on the slippery surface

Michael had been out to check the lanes to make sure it wasn’t too icy and we packed the car left a note for the Housekeeper and drove away.

Now for the next leg of our adventure – returning the car to the hire place, Enterprise Car Hire, and it was an adventure I can assure you! We drove first to the Ibis Hotel in Shipley where we booked for three nights, unloaded all our gear then set off for the town centre to post a box back home.

Michael in the old market place, surounded by shops

A cute sculpture in the Market square

one of the plaques on the sculpture

The other plaque on the sculpture

Little stalls all that remain of the old market

 That done we set off to find Queen’s Road Bradford where we’d hired the car, we got horribly lost even though we had plotted our trip before we set off and Michael had put post it notes on the map so I would know when to go to the next map, it should have been oh so easy. Should have been, but it wasn’t! The Brits don’t always have street signs on their streets and when they do they are not always visible, not even main roads are signed or if they are they are often just listed as numbers. We thought we were on the right track and would find ourselves lost, I was starting to get a little anxious and Michael was snorting and saying bah half under his breath, when I said “Don’t get angry with me, I can’t see any street signs!” and he said he wasn’t angry with me he was frustrated with the bloody lack of signs, when all of a sudden just ahead on our left he spotted the Enterprise sign! We thought we were heading at it from the other way and had expected to see it on our right!!!! I don’t know where we’d been or how we got to where we were, I was just glad to got there! We had a short wait, then one of the blokes from Enterprise ran us up to Bradford station and we caught the train back to Shipley and went in search of a pub for lunch, steak and kidney pudding for Michael and a mixed grill with black pudding for me, apologies to my heart and arteries, but it looked so good, our usual pint of shandy washed it all down.

Mind the gap at Shipley station

one of the platforms at Shipley Station

Michael's Lunch, steak and kidney pie, mushy peas and chips with a slice of black pudding

Mixed Grill, I really liked the black pudding!

washed down with a pint

We had a quiet evening planning what we would do tomorrow. While eating our tea at the hotel later that night, we were surprised when a lady came in with her dog and it was just as normal as can be, I don’t think anyone else even noticed.

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