Monday, January 10, 2011

Sun and Snow and Icy Roads

We woke this morning to see the sun trying to break through the cloud covering. It was cold but a glance out the window told us that the snow was on its way out. There was no snow on top of our car, the conifer trees in our rear yard had shed yesterday’s frosting of snow and we could see the front grass and pathways.
The snow was melting and the car was now free of snow. The lane in front of the car is still icy.

The trees have shed their snow coats!

The sky was blue, the snow was almost gone from the front garden, but it was still quite cold.

 It’s funny how snow melts, sort of in layers. When we got out of the car yesterday we left footprints in the snow which were quickly filled in and covered by the falling snow, now those same footprints were being revealed as the snow melted in the reverse order, layer by layer! We dawdled over breakfast trying to decide what to do, the skies were clearing and were now a brilliant blue. We were ready to go, but where? Michael took a walk out and down our little lane that runs across the back and down the side, although the snow was almost gone, in its place there was quite a bit of icy patches, neither of us were comfortable being out in the car in that.
As the snow melted it revealed yesterdays footprints both human and parallel with the car, cat prints!

The lane we'd slid back down in the car yesterday, was mostly clear here but still slippery at the top.

Blue skies and slippery paths though the roads weren't too bad.

 Now there is a little pub at the end of our road and round the corner and we decided to walk down to that and maybe have lunch. But first we walked up the other way just to have a look. We met a lady out putting salt under her car wheels, it was parked on an incline and she said it had gone for a slide so the salt should melt the snow and give the tyres some grip! We chatted for a few minutes and then walked very carefully down to the pub, The Thornbill. It was an older style pub with a hearty menu and a TV in the corner tuned to the FA Cup match between Arsenal and local favourites, Leeds.
Picturesque building on our way to the pub.

Watch your step Michael!

The pub window.

Almost home, this was the lane we drove up yesterday and it's still a little slippery.

Looking through the window at the part of our building that is not yet restored.

To the left the unrestored part of Calverley Old hall to the right, the top window is our bedroom the lower window is the 'study' end of our dining room.

 We watched as we ate our lunch and met some really nice local folk. We agreed that this was a very nice way to spend a cold Saturday afternoon. As we headed home after the football, which was a draw, one goal apiece, there were still quite a few slippery patches and we had to step carefully, as we’d both gone for a slide on the way to the pub earlier. There is no snow forecast for tomorrow, so if what is left today melts overnight we should be right to go for a drive. We spent the evening reading writing and playing cards and were off to bed at about 11.00 as the furnace turns off for the night around that time and although it is cosy in bed it can get a little chilly just sitting.

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