Saturday, December 18, 2010

Out and About in Oxford, Off The High Street What Treasures Await Us!!

We wandered down a little side street called Magpie Lane across a road and into Merton College Grounds which is alongside Corpus Christi College and a little further, the grounds to Christ Church College and Cathedral. Really impressive buildings. There are fields with cattle grazing that border the playing fields of Merton and face the front of Christ Church, all just a hop step and a jump from the High Street shops and traffic!!! We followed the path called Broad Walk between the Merton playing fields and the Christ Church Meadow where the cows grazed on frozen grass to a little waterway called Cherwell River. I was photographing the river and trees when Michael spotted a squirrel running up a tree opposite, luckily I was able to get a couple of shots before it disappeared. We turned up Deadmans Walk and then Rose Lane, both border the Botanic Gardens, and we made our way back to High Street and across the Magdalen Bridge and along Iffley Road and finally home to a snow spattered  Marston Street. So glad to be home, my legs were frozen and my hips were starting to lock up, tired, and unused to such penetrating cold!!!
The pathway between Merton College and Corpus Christi college.
Merton College
Detail of building, Corpus Christi College.

Playing fields, Merton College

Gate to Christ Church Picture Gallery.

Christ Church College.

Tyre tracks in the snow, The Broad Walk, towards Christ Church College.

Christ Church College.

Building detail Christ Church College.

Frozen puddle, The Broad Walk.

Cattle graze the frozen grass in Christ Church Meadow, opposite Christ Church College Buildings.

Michael spied this Squirrel who had just scampered up the tree.

A Leaf left an imprint in the snow when the breeze from a passing vehicle shifted it from it's resting place!
Through the fence to the Botanic Gardens.

And finally Back home to Marston Street, just a tad cold.

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