Saturday, December 18, 2010

Out and About in Oxford, Yet Another Inspector Morse Pub!!

Goodness me it was lunch time and we headed for another Inspector Morse hangout in The Eagle and Child, or ‘’The Bird and Baby” as it is often called.  Now this is a very popular pub and we had just beaten the rush. I ordered lamb shanks but they were off the menu so Michael and I both had Open chicken and Portobello Pie and a pint of Aspall Suffolk Cider, very nice it was too. Once again our pub lunch was delicious.
Michael easily found his way to the "Bird and Baby" for yet another pub lunch!!

Looking down through to another part of the pub from our table.

Part of the menu.
I don't know why I haven't thought of this before, after all I snap everything else! Our scrumptious lunch.
Chicken and Portobello Mushroom

And a very nice cider it was too! Mild and fruity.

It was very cold when we left the pub, it was snowing and although it was not heavy it certainly did not melt on hitting the ground. As we headed back towards the High St where Michael wanted to buy some Oxford tee shirts, the snow was falling on and off and the ground had a light covering, then what do you know? The sun came out!!

Snow on cafe chairs next to the pub
 The snow had stopped and the sky was clear blue for the most part as we made our way back towards The High. The air remained very crisp and quite cold.

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